Set your organization on a journey of lifelong learning and promote learning agility amongst your staff.

For years corporates have not been realising their training ROI and this has led many to think capacity building efforts are futile.

In most corporates

– Learning is an event.

– L & D Programs are outsourced and consist of a few days of classroom learning with no follow-up sessions, yet people tend to forget what they have learnt if there are no regular reinforcements.

– Most training budgets cater for one employee (out of a team of five) to be trained.

At Africa for Tomorrow we believe this should not be the case in your organisation. 

Establish your own learning center / corporate academy.

Establishing your L & D unit as a strategic function means elevating that function to independently run as a business unit.

Instead of depending on expensive outsourced learning interventions rather invest in lifelong learning cultures that contribute to the attainment of your organizational goals.  

Africa for Tomorrow’s framework ensures that all your learning interventions

  • speak to your overall business strategy,
  • shut capability gaps ,
  • emphasizes strategic partnership of L&D with business units,
  • prepares your organization for future needs and map learning journeys,
  • create an impact that can be measured against business performance
  • foster a learning culture through-out the organization which enables talent development through constant re-skilling and up-skilling of employees.
Are you ready to

Are you getting transformative value from your Learning & Development strategy? Are you thinking of strategically repositioning that function?  Through our L&D Framework we are able to establish or (re)structure your L&D department.

Other areas of consultancy
Does your organization have the right environment to drive high performance? Are your teams inconsistent in achieving their goals? Is your management bringing you the results you want?
Are you as efficient & effective in the pursuit of your vision? Do your teams, systems and processes deliver the value that your customers expect?
Is there a gap between your strategic plan and what is being done on the ground? Are your teams inconsistent in implementing the strategy?